Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas


Oh Heir of Fire, how do I even go about talking about you?

The entire plot, characters, setting were, to put it lightly, astonishing. The previous books in this series were amazing, but this book stands out to me.

I am beginning with the stuff I didn't like so that I can fit in all the stuff I loved! The major con of this book was that there was too many POVs. Just as something interesting started to get going and I was all like,"YEAH! YOU GO! KICK HIM IN THE HIND-QUARTERS!" It would change. By the time we got back to that one POV I wasn't very interested in it anymore. Also, I did not find Manon's POV to be very interesting (I may or may not have skipped over it sometimes... Whoops). She was a very neat character to read, but I kind of felt like her scenes were right smack in the middle of the other POVs awesome moments. I caught myself rushing through hers to get back to the other character's scenes. But overall, that was the only major flaw I saw throughout the book.

NOW for the stuff I absolutely love to talk about most, the pros of the book! So sit back and relax because you may be here for a while! 

Celaena. I believe she deserves the traditional awesome female character ballad because THIS GIRL IS ON FIIIIIIRREEEEEEEEE! (Quite literally at some points too I might add!) Celaena had some major character development during the book. She overcame grief and became such a strong independent person LIKE A BOSS! With the help of Rowan (I have a whole paragraph on why I love him in a minute.) she trains and learns to control her fiery fae powers! You go girl! Show your despicable Aunt what you can do! *insert Manon scene here* (haha just kidding! Sort of...) Celaena could perhaps be my favorite female character ever. Her snarky remarks were so hilarious that I had to fight the laughs that threatened to come out of me in public. Though this book was a lot darker for her than the last two books in the series. Celaena does not always win, and she does not always have snarky remarks. She is put through so much that it molds her into almost a different character. Almost. She is still the Celaena we know and love, but she is waaaaay more mature. One of my favorite scenes was when she had just learned about the huge execution Endovier. (Note that this is not my favorite scene, just my favorite character development scene! it was actually very sad!) Her reaction was so heart wrenching. But how she rose above it and became a stronger more determined person really moved me. AWESOME SAUCE!!!!

Now we have Rowan. I was wary of Rowan at first, but as the book progressed, HOLY AVOCADO! I love this guy! He is like a teddy bear with a turtle shell (excuse the extremely bad analogy)! How he reacts to Celaena's sarcasm is so amazing! I wanted to pat this man on the back so many times. When we actually do end up breaking through his metaphoric turtleshell he is even more incredible! His protectiveness towards Celaena gave me all the feels because I personally think that Celaena needed someone with whom she could share anything with and the person would understand. The way Sarah J. Maas created these characters astounds me because they are more than just kind and brave. There are reasons why they are kind and why they are brave. Its like she took a look at every little detail and made it something important. 

About shipping Celaena and Rowan. Honestly, there are very rarely any boy girl friendships in YA genres that do not become romances sooner or later. Though I do see your point, I think this particular relationship should stay a friendship. Sure loving someone romantically is great, but there are things only friendships can have. Rowan and Celaena have such a strong bond that it almost seems ridiculous to turn it into a romantic relationship. In my opinion, it would ruin what they have already.

Woosh! Back on over the sea to where our two male characters are keeping each other at an icy distance (man, I really need to stop using these puns.). I never really loved Dorian until this book. Because i'm a proud Chaolaena shipper, he was not always my favorite. In this book he really stood out to me as a good character. He became a great influence on Chaol (who was being really stubborn and starting to annoy me a bit to be honest.) and kind of taught him to respect all people, Fae or not.

Which brings me to Chaol. Sigh... Such character development in this book! As I said above, he is influenced by Dorian to see things differently. It takes him a while, but eventually he ends up becoming more at ease with the whole "magic" concept. Some reviews say his character development was all in the second book, but it all went away in the third. Sorry, but he changed A WHOLE BUNCH in this book. If you still don't believe me, kindly read this quote:

“Chaol kept his sword drawn. “I will not go to Anielle,” he growled. “And I will not serve you a moment longer. There is one true king in this room—­there always has been. And he is not sitting on that throne.”
Dorian stiffened.
But Chaol went on. “There is a queen in the north, and she has already beaten you once. She will beat you again. And again. Because what she represents, and what your son represents, is what you fear most: hope. You cannot steal it, no matter how many you rip from their homes and enslave. And you cannot break it, no matter how many you murder."

Oh the chills! His eyes FINALLY open to what is going on and he stands up to the king!!!! In the recent books he was so dedicated that he never questioned the king's ruling! But here ladies and gentlemen, here is character development at it's finest!
I am also very interested in seeing what becomes of his relationship with Celaena in the next book! (because I still ship them very hard!!!!!)

The writing in this book was different from the other books too! I feel like it flowed more, and the use of words! *gasp* As a word lover myself, I absolutely LOVED the words used in this book! I shall now give you some quotes which I fell head over heels for!

"And then I am going to rattle the stars.” *chills*

“They have made you into monsters. Made Manon. And we feel sorry for you.” (My favorite Manon part) *more chills!!!*

“Because I am lost," she whispered onto the earth. "And I do not know the way.” *Tears*

"She was the heir of ash and fire, and she would bow to no one.” (ASDFGHJKL)

The words in this book were beautiful! Anyway, to sum up this long review of how much I absolutely love this series (this book in particular!). I am highly anticipating the next book! 


I recommend this series for: People who love strong female characters, people who enjoy high fantasy, monsters, magic, assassins, fantasy worlds, etc.

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