Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sally Jackson's BLUE chocolate chip cookies

Have you just finished reading the final installment of Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan and are nursing your whatdoidonow faze? Are you getting ready to read it or start the series? Do you have no clue what i'm talking about?
Do I have the recipe for you!

Sally Jackson's blue chocolate chip cookies can soothe any Percy Jackson reading slump! (Or just make you want to read them again, but that is besides the point!) The ingredients you'll need for this godly treat are:

  • 1 stick (1/2 cup) softened butter salted or unsalted
  • ¾ cup light or dark brown sugar
  • 1 large egg 
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract 
  • ¼ tsp salt, or large pinch 
  • 1 cup plus ¼ cup flour being careful not to pack down when measuring 
  • 1 cup chocolate chips (I used milk chocolate chips, but I recommend semi-sweet!)

Alright!!!!! Let's do this!

*Preheat oven to 350 degrees!!!!!!*

First, you need to mix in the butter and brown sugar, like so:
(Num num!)

Then, you need to add the egg and vanilla!
Beat the egg and mix it in! (Oh! By the way, you can use one of those fancy mixers if you want, but i've decided to use elbow grease! Plus I don't have one so.....)

Now! We add Flour, salt, and HALF of the chocolate chips into the bowl
If you're using your trusty spoon like me to mix this step, you may need to enlist the power of the gods because it does get a little tough! If your dough is too wet then you can add a bit more flour!

Here is the step where we add the most awesome ingredient: Food coloring
I added quite a bit of it, but you can go darker or lighter if you want! The choice is yours!

Mix in the rest of the chocolate chips to your blue cookie dough!
It looks so BLUEtiful (haha... I'm so sorry...)

This is the step where people usually tell you to place them on a cookie sheet with about a million directions. All you really have to do is plop 'em on an un-greased cookie sheet far enough apart so they won't bake together.

Bake for 8 to 12 minutes and you have succeeded in baking some pretty awesome cookies! (Tip:
They taste really good the day after you bake them!)
I hope you enjoyed this recipe!

See ya soon raccoon!


  1. Dear Person-who-wrote-this,

    Do we have to melt the butter?

    Anonymous (L)

  2. This looks great, and much better than the other recipes I tried.
